It happens once a year....and we all shed our inhibitions and join in. You won't see this kind of quality in dumps like New York and L.A Thanks to Mark Worthington for the photos.
We are trying to get DSL to Free Union. There were over 50 signatures on the Post Office Petition. Thank you for your interest in Sprint FastConnect¡ DSL, Sprint's high-speed Internet connection. We received your petition listing the local interest in DSL. All of the petitioners' phone numbers [...]
A large gust front moved thru Free Union June 6th, 2002. It brought down the large Red Maple in town. Half of Free Union Road was blocked until VDOT came by and cleared the brush from the road.
Maupin Brothers Store in Free Union is located at the site of several older stores, two of which burned. One of the famous murders of the county occured in an early store. The country store acts as a clearing house fro news in the area, as well as a post office, trading center and social center. [...]