• Free Union, VA - LIVE • WORK • PLAY

  • Maupin Store Break In

  • November 21, 2007 4:20am

    Free Union Crime Stoppers™ were once again called to action when a brazen burglar smashed and entered the store in the early morning hours. Two units caught the action. The vehicle was a dark Mercedes convertible.

    Perp attempted to enter the store by unscrewing the light bulb on the back loading dock and drilling thru the back garage door.

    When that failed to produce results, they attempted (and failed) to smash thru the front door which was replaced in 2004, after another break in (see below). The new tempered version didn't break and the now frustrated criminal broke thru the front glass window and climbed in , leaving a perfect boot print. Forensics are working on identifying the boot and it's owner.

    Sadly unit one, once again failed to arrive on scene in time to catch the thief or see the perp. They did however shoot the detailed photos that we are certain will lead authorities to an arrest soon.

    Free Union Crime Stoppers is offering a $100,000 BAR for information leading to the arrest of this person. The crime was committed at 4:20am and this may have been a factor.